British recruitment and search firm BiS Henderson has joined the Experts for Experts (e4e) network, a personnel consulting network for the forwarding and logistics sector.
BiS Henderson specialises in recruiting executive and senior managers, interim management and supply chain consulting in the logistics sector. The company was created in 2008 from two consulting firms, BiS and George Henderson, and is one of the leading supply chain search and recruitment companies in Britain.
e4e was set up five years ago and is now represented in 14 countries across Europe. It has a pool of more than 35,000 candidates and places around 500 experts and executives annually.
Urs B Hug, president of e4e said: “The process of searching for candidates has become internationalised. About one third of our executive placements are now across borders and this trend is on the rise. This is why it is important to be directly on site in the core countries.”