Sunlight Group has taken 48,000 sq ft in three warehouse/ industrial units at C1 Trade Park, part of the Aberaman Industrial Estate near Aberdare, on a ten-year lease at a stepped rent rising to £110,000 in the fourth year.
The three units have been let by Hawtin and provide 14,305 sq ft, 17,491 sq ft and 17,125 sq ft respectively. The letting follows extensive reconfiguration of the property, which was previously one unit, to accommodate five trade counter units and the three larger warehouse/industrial units.
Richard Hayward, chief executive of Hawtin, said of the letting: “The recent reconfiguration work is part of an ongoing strategy to improve the high quality properties we own to increase their appeal to prospective tenants and ultimately enhance their value.”
Two of the remaining units at the Trade Park are currently under offer.