Freight Best Practice has published a benchmarking survey for the primary distribution sector covering a number of key performance indicators.
The survey found that on average:
* Empty running stands at just 13 per cent (compared to a commonly referred to industry average of 25 per cent)
* Miles per gallon stand at 8.54.
* Vehicle fill stands at 82 per cent.
The survey breaks the figures down by GVW, route type, sub-sectors, region and route so operators can accurately compare their performance with that of the survey.
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Freight Best Practice is funded by the Department for Transport and is managed by AECOM to promote operational efficiency, safety, journey time reliability and CO2 reductions within freight operations – road, rail and waterways.
The programme identifies and disseminates best practice and offers information, support material and guidance on saving fuel, developing skills, equipment and systems, performance management and multi-modal operations.
More from the Freight Best Practice web site: