The Hermes Driving School has saved £1million in repair and running costs over the past year, as well as reducing accidents.
Accidents have fallen by 41.8 per cent from 620 to 361 across the fleet, and the cost incurred by incidents has fallen by £240,000. Insurance claims were reduced by 60 per cent, and premiums fell by ten per cent in ten months.
More efficient driving has been a considerable factor in the savings. It estimates fuel consumption has been reduced by 4.5 per cent, which also minimises emissions.
The school provides induction and refresher courses, with classroom tuition and one-to-one in vehicle coaching. The Driving for Better Business campaign, which is managed by Roadsafe, has awarded Hermes the status of Business Champion.
Programme consultant for the campaign, Michael Parish said: “Cutting costs is the number one priority facing all businesses and Hermes has shown that through a focussed occupational road risk management programme hundreds of thousands of pounds can be saved. Simultaneously, the company has improved its business efficiency, its image and the welfare of its employees.”