The Bristol Port Company has appointed specialist maritime engineers to carry out detailed site investigation work for its new £500 million Deep Sea Container Terminal.
Bristol Port’s harbour revision order came into force on 1 September 2010 and enables the Port to construct a deep sea container terminal in Avonmouth with a 1.2km quay and a capacity in excess of 1 million containers.
The terminal project is being overseen by a joint venture, called Construct Bristol Terminal. It is led by civil engineering contractors Costain and BAM Nuttall together with dredging specialists Westminster Dredging Co and Van Oord. Marine consultants Halcrow are also involved.
The contract is a significant step toward the Port Company’s full scale development of the Bristol deep sea container terminal.
Simon Bird, chief executive of Bristol Port said: “This appointment emphasises the Port’s commitment to progress this multi-modal transport hub and be in a position to start construction when the time is right. When operational, this project will bring cargo closer to the UK population than any other existing or proposed deep sea terminals.”