Growth Logistics 2, an EU-funded programme to help North-East businesses adopt new supply chain systems and practices is providing 100 per cent funding for consultants to work directly with a further 22 SMEs.
The fully-funded project offers North East companies free expert support and advice on how to improve their logistics and warehouse operations, from Sunderland-based NAC Group.
It reckons it has already helped companies in the region improve their bottom lines by almost £10m.
To demonstrate its effectiveness first-hand, three firms taking part in the project are holding an open day on Wednesday 12th January.
In the 1st year, NAC has helped 58 companies to:
• Win new business totalling £8 million
• Make efficiency savings totalling £1.5 million
• Safeguard existing turnover totally £17 million
• Create 41 new jobs
To enquire about attending the open day, please contact NAC’s Growth Logistics 2 team 0191 516 6690 or visit the website