The European Commission has selected transport infrastructure development projects to receive funding totalling £144m (170m euros), from the trans-European transport network fund.
The UK projects selected under the 2010 call for proposals were:
* Felixstowe Rail Terminal: improving intermodal transfer and removing bottleneck on PP26. Annual Programme funding of £4.2m.
* Port Salford: enabling studies and works. Annual Programme funding of £845,300.
* Priority Axis 26: Nuneaton North Chord and Kennett re-signalling works. Annual Programme funding of £4.2m.
* UK-Ireland: Functional Airspace Blocks development of high level sectors. Multi-Annual Programme funding of £1m.
The aim of the grants is to help member states build missing transport links, remove bottlenecks and increase the safety and security of transport across Europe. The grants also favour projects that: promote sustainable transport, promote the interconnection of different transport modes, or provide support for public–private partnerships.
During 2010, 51 projects involving 24 member states were selected to receive funding as part of three separate calls. All projects were evaluated on the basis of their relevance to TEN-T priorities and policy objectives: their maturity, their impact; and their quality in terms of completeness, clarity, soundness and coherence.
The 2010 multi-annual work programme aimed to finance the highest priorities of the trans-European transport network, and focused on three fields:
Motorways of the sea, providing viable alternatives for congested roads by shifting freight to sea routes – eight projects selected.
River information services, involving traffic management infrastructure on the inland waterway network – five projects selected.
Air traffic management systems and functional airspace blocks (ATM/FABs) – four projects selected.