Cert Octavian has appointed Vincent O’Brien managing director to replace Anthony Finlayson-Green who is leaving the business to pursue a new challenge.
O’Brien joined Cert Octavian as finance director in February 2009 and prior to this appointment was chief operating officer.
Nigel Jagger, founder and chairman of Cert Octavian said: “I have great confidence that under Vincent’s leadership we will cement the gains we have made over the last few years and capitalise on the development opportunities that lie ahead. Our thanks go to Anthony or his contribution to the business and we wish him well.”
In the year to June 2011, Cert Octavian showed as pre-tax profit of £1.1 million on sales of £39.9 million.
Jagger has driven a four-year transformation programme at Cert Octavian to streamline the management structure and consolidating the company’s facilities to create a leaner organisation.
Prior to joining Cert Octavian he was Finance Director for Sodexo facilities management where he turned the division around over his 4 years there. Prior to that Vincent held various positions in telecom companies including BT, Cable & Wireless and O2.