The South West generally has the lowest availability ratio of Grade-A buildings in the UK, with a shortage of supply of good quality facilities going into 2012, according to property consultancy DTZ.
“During 2011 there has been an interesting amount of take-up of large buildings in the region. There have been pre-lets in Avonmouth of 380,000 sq ft to Co-op, and 50,000 sq ft nearby at Severnside to Chep. These are both build-to-suit facilities, caused largely due to a lack of Grade-A stock within the South West market,” said Will Nell of DTZ.
He added there was likely to be a distinct shortage of good quality buildings during 2012 as less new supply is brought to the market. However he added that there is a good supply of land in Avonmouth, but elsewhere in Bristol, there is limited availability, with a similar picture in Swindon.