ISEL, at the University of Le Havre, and Renault’s Environmental Division are working with Barloworld’ CAST supply chain software to help minimise cost and reduce carbon footprint by developing new recycling models and interactive collaboration with partners.
The project, named VALVER, was established in response to the legal constraints regarding the recycling of vehicles and raw materials, according to new French policies.
CAST is used to evaluate and identify the “preferred” or optimal supply chain configuration and to calculate the total cost to market, leading to cost savings and service improvements.
The CAST software has already identified more than ten scenarios to optimise Renault’s recycling supply chain.
“The supply chain surrounding the glass recycling operation at Renault, required reorganisation and reconfiguration to become fully optimised, while fitting within various time, legal and environmental constraints” explains Christophe Bisiaux, logistics project manager at ISEL Le Havre. “To achieve this, we have selected CAST software, which has been developed by Barloworld SCS to assist with supply chain modelling, network design and optimisation.”