Nedcon has introduced a new high speed order preparation and sortation system designed to process high volumes of mixed cartons, trays and other containers. The company claims the new DLS Order Release Module is the first fully automated retail order picking system developed to handle the variety of products and packaging that a typical food and retail distributor needs to process each day, saving time and labour.
The patented, automated DLS order release module can cope with a throughput of 10,000 items per hour or more, typical of high volume food distribution canters, and is able to release completed store orders in less that five minutes.
Stock is delivered to a bank of multi-level conveyors similar to a conventional carton live storage structure. Each conveyor track holds a single line item and the innovative roller track Frictiondrive system controls the speed of each item regardless of shape or weight, including bags, boxes, trays and cartons, creating a very limited line pressure. Goods are allowed to accumulate up to 12m, handling the bulk of the day’s picking and additional tracks can be used for the fastest moving items. Tracks are all the same width allowing free lane allocation for maximum flexibility.
At the end of each track line a computer-controlled dispenser releases items onto the powered outfeed conveyor, in line with the quantities requested by each store and in the sequence required
A warehouse Control System provided by a system integrator controls every movement in the process, ensuring that heavy loads are released before fragile goods such as crisps and glass containers, to maintain all goods in top condition for their journey to the store.
For further information, tel: 01923 231020.