Dynamic Systems says its Trojan pallet pushback system provides “dramatic and measurable” improvements in stock control plus fast payback times.
The Trojan system can store two, three or four pallets deep and is able to accommodate a wide range of pallet weights and sizes. It also has a low profile design which maximises storage potential in height.
Each section features an indicator which shows the number of pallets in each rack at any one time and a special mini-sweeper to clear dust or debris from the tracks. Pallet movement is additionally enhanced by the 4% angle at which the tracks are fixed to internal beams and back-stops prevent the pallets from being pushed back too far.
Dynamic Systems says the typical payback for the Trojan system is two years for a major installation. Also, improved accessibility to pallets means fewer forklift trucks and staff while denser storage equals greater use of space.
All types of existing racking, including drive-in, can be converted to take the new system, which also works in temperatures as low as -30°C.
For further information, tel: 0113 387 4151.