Catalyst International is offering new software to better manage inventory and more closely align supply and demand. CatalystCommand Inventory Optimisation and CatalystCommand Demand Management automate the forecast-to-replenishment process. They provide a return on investment within six months by reducing lost sales, eliminating excess stock and recovering profit from inventory. CatalystCommand Inventory Optimisation and CatalystCommand Demand Management leverage data from existing ERP, transaction and POS systems to provide advanced functionality in the form of demand forecasting, automated supply analyses historical data on supply and demand, taking into account seasonality, promotions and lost sales, and then makes recommendations on how much inventory is needed and where it is required.
Lilly Software Associates showed its VISUAL Enterprise supply chain management system at the CIM 2003 exhibition, held at Birmingham’s NEC in September. The system comprises a complete range of integrated applications, covering front office through to engineering, manufacturing and distribution functions. It is designed to meet the needs of SMEs in the manufacturing industry, including specific market sectors. One feature of the system is the range of suites – built around the VISUAL Enterprise core – available to support the specialised needs of particular industries.
Precision Software has released its new NCTS module as part of the TRA/X International Trade Logistics software suite. The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) is an electronic procedure for declaring community transit movements. The NCTS module ensures that all exporters comply with all customs-enforced export controls, resulting in costs savings and fewer shipment delays. Benefits of using TRA/X for NCTS include goods for shipping being pre-cleared 24/7, speeding up the process through the ports.