The equipment required includes: BlackBerry Enterprise Server, BlackBerry handhelds, the Content Beamer for BlackBerry server based bluetooth print solution, and a bluetooth capable printer.
The company, a specialist for leasing, sale, and repair of construction equipment, was looking for a way to redesign drivers’ work more effectively to expedite work processes. Too much valuable work time was lost because delivery orders and transport documents were not immediately ready when drivers needed them.
Instead, drivers had to go to the office each time to get the necessary papers. When the system administrators of the company heard of a bluetooth print solution for BlackBerry handhelds, they knew they had found the solution.
Equipped with BlackBerry handhelds, a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the Content Beamer for Blackberry print solution, and bluetooth printers, drivers can print all necessary documents on-site and immediately – without faxes, detours, or troublesome waits and standstills.
In July last year, the company first installed a BlackBerry Enterprise Server; then, a few weeks later and with help from UltraLevel, a ThinPrint partner in Detroit, the Content Beamer for BlackBerry server solution. Ten drivers were each furnished with BlackBerry 7520 handhelds and a bluetooth HP 450 printer.
Delivery orders and other important documents are now sent to the drivers by email, which the BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends to the Blackberry devices from Lotus Notes with the push service. When a driver wants to print a document, he uses the track wheel to select the print option from the menu.
Now, in the background and completely invisible to the driver, the Content Beamer for BlackBerry Server creates a print job for the selected document. The print job is sent via the BlackBerry Enterprise Server across a secure connection to the driver’s BlackBerry handheld. Because the special ThinPrint technology greatly compresses the print data, the transfer is very fast. The attachments, usually documents in PDF, Word, or text format, are then printed directly from the bluetooth printer installed in the truck.
“We are very excited to be a pioneer in this growing mobile market,” says Michael Butz, UltraLevel president and chief executive. “Without a print solution, the company would not have deployed the RIM hardware and software and its truck drivers would have continued spending a good part of their day chasing down the appropriate paperwork for their deliveries.”