Have you got an emergency plan in place for a worse case scenario? Do you know how good your company responds in an emergency? How do you avoid fines and manage to maintain a good customer relationship at the same time?
At this year’s Logistics and Distribution Forum, Patrick Jongbloet from Eager-4-Excellence, moderated a discussion group called “Getting the best out of the supply chain”. The session invited industry professionals to explore emergency scenarios and discuss the importance of good communication between suppliers and distributors.
The group looked at issues inherent in the supply chain and Jongbloet asked delegates to discuss common problems that they each encountered. He also introduced a graph called the Relatiometer, which used a scatter graph layout, plotting points to improve service with suppliers.
The core activity of the forum was the opportunity for companies to talk informally on a one-to-one basis. The 75 companies that attended were able to introduce themselves to interested parties and discuss current industry issues and share ideas on meeting similar challenges, while perhaps getting a contract or two.