Elite Worldwide, thought to be the UK’s first carbon neutral courier, is urging others to take a similar approach.
Since going carbon neutral last year, Elite Worldwide has planted around 1,000 trees, offsetting its annual carbon emissions.
Mark Dean, managing director, said that Elite will continue to plant trees each year while reducing its carbon footprint. He said: “There is no doubt about it, we are facing global warming. Transport is a big polluter, probably one of the biggest polluters.”
He said that Elite alone releases 220 tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere each year.
The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management measured the pollutants from Elite and gave it advice on how to neutralise the effects.
Dean said: “I’d like to think that we can create a small ripple effect”. He went on to say: “The first year we did it, I was wondering if there were any commercial advantages,” However, he said that in the last fifteen months, the interest has risen and Elite is starting to see commercial benefits as more customers show their interest.
Last month the company delivered saplings to 100 companies across the South East, promoting a carbon neutral business.