Key MPs and GLA members gathered at London’s Tower Bridge this week, to view a demonstration of a device that measures tailpipe emissions as vehicles drive by.
The system is made in the US by Environmental Systems Products and has been introduced to the UK in response to Transport for London’s low emission zone directive, scheduled to start in February next year. It will be available through Stroud based air pollution monitoring specialist Enviro Technology Services.
Duncan Mounsor, operations director of Enviro, said: “Traditional methods of monitoring pollution involving stopping a vehicle and attaching a sensor directly to the exhaust pipe are inefficient and inconvenient, delaying the driver, and are less effective in helping to implement a Low Emissions Zone.”
The remote pollution monitoring system uses ultraviolet and infrared light to measure exhaust pollutants such as nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and smoke particulates without the vehicle having to stop. A photograph of the licence plate is taken simultaneously, and the information merged with the emissions result.
The system can be used to alert fleet operators and transport regulators as to whether their vehicles are performing as they should, in turn helping reduce fuel costs and keeping vehicles within the emission limit.