Savills has been appointed joint agent on the 2 million sq ft plus Gateway 14 industrial and logistics scheme in Stowmarket, Suffolk.
Development manager Jaynic has appointed Savills to work with Avison Young to promote the 156-acre site in the East Anglia region, nationally and internationally. Rapleys is appointed alongside Avison Young to investigate the roadside potential of the site given its proximity to the A14.
Richard Sullivan, national head of industrial & logistics at Savills, said: “With supply still relatively low across the East of England, we anticipate that Jaynic’s latest development will receive significant enquiries from a range of interested parties.”
Ben Oughton, development director of Jaynic, said: “We are seeking to attract a mix of occupiers that could create thousands of jobs for the town and have confidence that with Savills, Avison Young and Rapleys on board we can move ahead swiftly with making Gateway14 one of the prime business locations in East Anglia and the UK.”
Gateway 14, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mid Suffolk District Council and recently appointed Jaynic as the development manager for the scheme. This will provide up to 2.3 million sq ft of business, logistics and commercial accommodation over the next 10-15 years, with the first buildings being available in 2021/2. A planning application will be submitted by the end of 2020, to enable a phased development on the 156-acre site.
The masterplan layout is still being developed, however the site could accommodate logistics buildings up to 1,000,000 sq ft, with roadside uses alongside the A14 frontage, and headquarters office/R&D campus style buildings.