Browsing: Analysis

Becoming head of the industry’s largest representative organisation is a significant challenge but Theo de Pencier has ambitious plans. He talks to Malory Davies.

A majority of companies find it hard to recruit suitable people to management roles in logistics, a survey conducted by Logistics Manager has revealed.

Voice picking is flavour of the month at the moment with new and innovative applications coming along thick and fast. But there are plenty of other ways a company can boost its picking performance, says Malory Davies.

Malory Davies reports on career development opportunities in the grocery logistics market.

Management of the loading bay can make or break a warehouse operation. A badly designed system can not only be inefficient, but also dangerous. Jessica Davies goes in search of excellence.

The UK is starting to experience a shortage in skilled supply chain professionals, says Hugh Williams, managing director of supply chain planning specialists Hughenden.

Edmolift, which manufactures and supplies scissor lift tables, pallet handling products and manual handling aids, says that one of the fastest growing sectors of the materials handling industry is tilting and positioning tables.

Invicta Forks & Attachments has developed a fork-mounted magnet attachment to clear surfaces of metal debris that could otherwise present a hazard to vehicles and operators alike.

When it is not hauling freight around the rail network, EWS takes on the rather more glamorous role of running the Royal Train.