Another British electric vehicle company is benefiting from President Obama’s determination to push ahead with mass electric van production.
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Recruitment specialist MVP has launched Select+, a suite of flexible recruitment tools designed to help companies to choose the “best talent” for their businesses.
Cargo 2000 has appointed Thorsten Lafleur technical director with responsibility for the global development, maintenance, and industry-wide adoption of the overall business process and standards of the Cargo 2000 project.
The EU’S planned Agency Workers Directive could cost drivers their jobs, according to Mike McIntyre, chair of REC Drivers
Cambridge Food Company is installing BCP’s Accord computer system covering purchasing, sales order management, stock control, telesales, financial accounting and customer relationship management.
The US government has awarded Smiths Electric Vehicles £6 million funding in a bid to get companies to consider environmentally friendly trucks
Cat lift truck distributor, Briggs Equipment, has launched a live auction site for its dealer network across the UK and into Europe, to keep up with high demand for used equipment
Turkey producer Bernard Matthews has implemented Isotrak’s Active Transport Management System to improve the performance of its delivery fleet
Rhenus Logistics says it is making savings of 30 per cent on its telecoms after upgrading systems and switching its line and calls provider
TomTom Work, the B2B division of TomTom, has launched the TomTom Go 9000, a connected navigation device for commercial vehicle fleets