The contraction and reorganisation of third party logistics providers is flooding the market with second-hand space, particularly in the Midlands.
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Industrial Securities says it has some £200m to invest in industrial logistics properties and is looking for sites in the South East, North West and North East.
Data centre operator, Node4 has taken a 26,000 sq ft warehouse at Earnstone Development’s six-acre Normandy Park within Wakefield Europort.
Lambert Smith Hampton and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ Empty Property Rates Survey points to empty rates liability as the biggest single factor in the demolition of industrial buildings at present.
Private healthcare provider Spire Healthcare is expanding its presence at AXA REIM’s Stonebridge Cross Business Park, Pointon Way, Droitwich, by taking a further industrial unit on the park in Worcestershire.
Recycling company SCA Recycling has taken the former Dixons Mastercare warehouse at Plot 8, Hounsdown Business Park in Totton, Southampton.
An influx of second-hand space has put the squeeze on developers and landlords of distribution space throughout the west midlands, says Liza Helps
After six months of silence from the 3PL corner, the property market is starting to see a faint but encoiraging flutter of interest around the M1/A1 corridors. Jessica Davies reports.
Property problems have been hitting the headlines recently with the scandal of the Members of Parliament who make outrageous claims for their second homes – such as moat-cleaning and payments for non-existing loans.
As the fifth largest industry sector, worth £75 billion to the economy and underpinning all other sectors, an efficient and well skilled logistics workforce can make a difference