Denmark’s largest retail group Dansk Supermarked Gruppen has placed an order with Dematic to implement its Order Assembly system to consolidate the operations of its expanding general merchandise brands and reduce logistics costs.
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James Clark, secretary general of BITA, highlights the importance of new electrical technologies such as high frequency battery chargers. “They use less mains energy than conventional chargers, and permit time-efficient ‘opportunity charging’ over breaks.
We might be in the midst of a recession, but it seems now is the ideal time to invest in warehouse automation and prepare for when the market recovers. LUCY TESSERAS reports.
Logistics Link Live is on course to host the industry’s hottest innovations with exhibitors lining up to offer top tips on how to slash logistics costs and boost efficiencies.
Innovation is the key as forklift truck manufacturers look to support customers in new economic circumstances. MALORY DAVIES reports on some of the initiatives now being adopted.
There’s no disputing the quality of dedicated logistics, yet in times like these such a service might be seen as more luxury than necessity, and the allure of the pallet network is stronger – not just as an option, but as a means of survival.
Developer Goodman has secured full planning consent for its £120m development of the former Andover Airfield site after Test Valley Council ratified the Section 106 agreementat its planning control committee on 31st March 2009.
Geodis Wilson has taken developer SEGRO’s 96,563 sq ft LHR1 warehouse in Hatton Cross, near Heathrow Airport making it the largest single letting in the Heathrow area in over two years.
Landlord Standard Life Investments has steppedn forward with an innovative marketing scheme for its 165,000 sq ft warehouse development in Bristol.
Rents at Heathrow have fallen for the first time in six years, despite the fact that the average Grade A rental value of £11.17 per sq ft in the region did not change, according to Jones Lang LaSalle’s latestWestern Corridor Industrial/WarehouseMarket Rep