Current conditions have forced landlords in the North West to be a little more creative, but there is life in the market yet, says LUCY TESSERAS.
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Foods group Heinz reckons it has made big savings as a result of implementing components of Sterling Business Integration Suite and Sterling Transport Management System.
The International Air Cargo Association has named Ulrich Ogiermann, president and chief executive of Cargolux Airlines International, chairman of the organisation.
Drinks logistics company, Tradeteam, has crowned Colin Bowan who is based at Hams Hall in Birmingham its truck driver of the year.
Schmitz Cargobull is able to increase the loading capacity from 34 to 67 pallet spaces with the double deck loading system for the S.CS Mega with Varios.
Online bathroom supplier, World of Baths is working with Palletline member company, Anglia Freight, to improve efficiency and reduce road miles.
Wolseley is set to close its distribution centres in Didcot and Chorley, in a bid to improve efficiency, reduce costs and realign supply chain activities as a result of the economic situation.
Marley Eternit, part of the Etex Group, has signed a five year contract with Wincanton, while existing customers Focus DIY and a global industrial gas supplier have renewed their long-term contracts.
The creation of Ceva as a major competitor in the global logistics services market has been a substantial logistical exercise for the man brought in to mastermind its development. He explains the strategy to MALORY DAVIES.
It’s not the first thing you would expect a speaker to say at a logistics conference: “Why talk about logistics – logistics is the least important part”.