Developer Goodman is pushing forward with plans to resurrect the London International Freight Exchange, albeit in the guise of the Slough Intermodal Freight Exchange, following the successful application of ProLogis’ Howbury scheme a year ago.
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Standard Life Investments, landlord of Suttons Business Park in Reading, is taking a fresh approach to the marketing of the remaining available units by offering a range of incentives, with the aim of fully letting the park in 2009.
The Still EXV range of high-lift pedestrian pallet trucks has been extended with the addition of the EXV 12ia truck with increased floor clearance for use where floor surfaces may be uneven. or for easier use when crossing slopes and ramps.
Life is all about selection, Darwin found, but what does it take to select the right picking system? And how can companies get the biggest bang for their buck? JESSICA DAVIES reports.
PD Ports has launched Logical Link, a coastal feeder container shipping service offering a next day connection between Felixstowe and Teesport.
ICI Paints AkzoNobel has become the latest company to adopt Don-Bur’s teardrop trailer design
Clipper Logistics goes by rail at Selby
Clipper Logistics is taking over the lease on the 310,000 sq ft rail connected distribution centre at the Potter Group site at Selby in North Yorkshire. Clipper has a number of retail customers for the facility tha
Oxford University Press has cut its order fulfilment costs by 27 per cent after installing RedPrairie’s Workforce Management Solution at its 240,000 sq ft UK warehouse.
PeopleVox has launched a new range of RFID-enabled hand-held wireless readers dedicated to the fashion retail industry.
The four main product awards were taken home by Yale Europe Materials Handling, Hubtex UK, Still Materials Handling and Combilift at this year’s Fork Lift Truck Association awards.