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Most companies will tell you that recruiting graduates whom they can later train in logistics, is an important part of their recruitment strategies. But there is one company that has chosen to follow a different route. Experience has shown

Deciding whether or not to opt for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or best-of-breed system has long been a difficult decision for logistics providers. Historically, ERP systems have been thought of as cumbersome, restrictive, and costly. As a result

Volvo Trucks is challenging its transport suppliers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent within the next two years as part of its climate strategy which already aims at, among other things, carbon-neutral production, energy efficiency

Stansted Transit, has taken a 33,800 sq ft unit at Standard Life Investments’ 179,500 sq ft Skyline 120 scheme in Braintree Essex, on a ten-year lease at an annual rent of £241,670.

Lawson teamed up with Skretting, supplier of feed for farmed fish, to deliver Trace Engine, a system which provides the company with instant electronic access to accurate upstream and downstream records of all raw materials

The Tanfield Group caused a stir last year with the release of the battery powered Newton truck and the Edison van. Since then more vehicles have gone out for appraisal and it has plans to ramp up production over the coming year.

Manhattan Associates has introduced enhancements to Manhattan ILS: Integrated Logistics Solutions, built on Microsoft.NET, developed for companies that need supply chain systems that leverage the advantages of Microsoft’s.NET technology.

Any discussion of fleet management systems has tended to focus on telematics and hardware, but Scania has decided to refocus its fleet management proposition with Scania OnBoard which is designed to give fleet managers with the information