Managing an efficient and happy workforce is a matter of good communications, a strong team ethos and a great deal of flexibility. But in these tough times how do you keep staff motivated for the task? Nick Allen
Author: Alexandra Leonards
Prof Jose Luis Nueno of the IESE Business School explains to Malory Davies the supply chain philosophy that has made Zara such a formidable competitor in the high street fashion business.
Global sourcing has become a critical part of the supply chain mix, but with trade slowing having a clear understanding of supply chain costs is a top priority.
Sustainable sourcing and supply chains offer true competitive advantage, argue Jeremy Hammant and Alan Braithwaite of LCP Consulting.
Maurice Dalton, senior vice president at ProLogis Developments, looks at how the green agenda is impacting on warehouse design.
This year’s Extended Supply Chain conference will explore ways of maximising collaboration, minimising risk and delivering value – essential factors for surviving the downturn.
In a cold economic climate where manufacturers, retailers and suppliers are increasingly exposed to the dangers of financial failure, can steps be taken to ensure the integrity of the chain? Can good planning and set procedures reduce the chances of bein
The holy grail for supply chain management is to gain complete visibility throughout the chain. But to do this a great deal of connectivity is needed across a diverse network of internal operations and processes, as well as external suppliers and partners
The most important thing for suppliers used to be getting the right price. Now they are looking for large stable customers with early payment terms – so payment has become a critical activity for suppliers who are managing tight cash flows. The days when
More than four hundred of Europe’s leading supply chain professionals attended the prize-giving event of the 12th European Supply Chain Excellence Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on the evening of the 28th October.