In previous years the judges have been disappointed that few entries emphasised the environmental, sustainability or wider Corporate Social Responsibility aspects of their submissions.
Author: Alexandra Leonards
The Sourcing & Procurement category came down to a shortlist of three companies – British Ceramic Tile, Haldex and Hewlett Packard CDS.
Innovation is a tricky thing to assess. Whereas many may believe they are being innovative with their initiatives, others may see those approaches as merely good practice solutions or perhaps just novel developments.
Logistics and fulfilment is a core element of supply chain management, so of all the categories this is the one where virtually all our entrants could have made a worthy contribution – and indeed, nine of them did.
The Team of the Year category is one of the most difficult to assess. Team work can mean very different things to different people. And of course, it would be hard for any supply chain to develop, transform or improve significantly in an environment where
The Individual Contribution Award is different from all the other categories in the European Supply Chain Excellence Awards: you, the reader, nominate the candidates and vote by email for the winner.
At a time when businesses across the world are facing tough economic times, retailers have the option to take stock and review their strategies and identify the appropriate back office improvements to deliver an agile and flexible supply chain without hig
More than four hundred of Europe’s leading supply chain professionals attended the prize-giving event of the 12th European Supply Chain Excellence Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on the evening of the 28th October.
Nokia Siemens Networks has followed a radical transformational strategy. The Overall Winner Award is the most highly coveted supply chain award in Europe.
The Fast Moving Consumer Goods/Consumer Packaged Goods category was hard fought this year with four good entries from C&C Group, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Hero and Kimberly-Clark.