Author: Alexandra Leonards

In a world where trade is global, ”global trade management” (GTM) sounds a fairly obvious name for what supply chain managers spend most of their time doing. In the world of European IT, however, the GTM label is a comparatively recent phenomenon

With all the talk of borrowing squeezes and high interest rates, perhaps financial directors need to look at some of the assets locked up in company supply chains. When goods commonly spent no more than a few days in transit, financing the supply chain

The adoption of a sound strategy at the port-to-destination leg of the supply chain can have a direct impact on the amount and position of inventory, accuracy of forecasting, availability of product at DC, store or manufacturing line, and ultimately the

At almost every ”Supply Chain Standard” Roundtable over the past year or so, the conversation has come around to reverse logistics – the business of pulling goods back from some point in the supply chain, be it a distribution centre, a store, or a

The more dynamic the business environment becomes with fast changes in demand, globalisation, outsourcing, e-commerce and higher environmental standards, the more important it becomes to understand how complex systems work.

If you are involved in intercontinental supply chains, you perhaps have an hourglass view of the world. Not only is time ticking away but goods, like grains of sand, have to be funnelled through small corridors in order to get where they are going

EU enlargement has seen growing trade with new member countries in Central and Eastern Europe, according to global property adviser DTZ. These countries are acting as a gateway between Europe and non-EU countries, particularly Russia, and provide access