EU enlargement has seen growing trade with new member countries in Central and Eastern Europe, according to global property adviser DTZ. These countries are acting as a gateway between Europe and non-EU countries, particularly Russia, and provide access
Author: Alexandra Leonards
For the eleventh outing of the ”Supply Chain Standard” European Supply Chain Excellence Awards we were again delighted to have as our partner PRTM and we are very grateful to PRTM and their partners and consultants across Europe for their input this yea
Among this year’s finalists, two entries stood-out for the Sourcing and Procurement Award – Nuon, from the public sector, utilities and services pool, and Vodafone.
FMCG is always one of the hardest-fought categories in the Awards, and this year was no exception.
As Gordon Colborn has noted in his commentary, we were slightly disappointed that, again this year, few entries went out of their way to promote the environmental, sustainability or wider Corporate Social Responsibility aspects of their submissions.
By definition, almost any finalist in these Awards (with the exception of a few purely procurement-oriented organisations) must be fairly good at ”logistics and fulfilment” – although that is by no means the total supply chain, it is certainly the core
Innovation, in the context of the Supply Chain Excellence Awards, isn”t the same thing as invention. Naturally, if an entry does offer something radically new, whether in terms of processes or technology, that would be a good recommendation for this awar
Robin Proctor, group supply chain director at Travis Perkins, says the supply chain in the buildings and construction sector is underdeveloped compared with other areas.
Bringing new drugs to market is a very expensive business: typically it can cost over €500 million and – given time limitations on patents – the pharmaceuticals company then has just 5-10 years or so to recoup its investment and make a profit for most the
It”s fair to say that, until now, most companies in the pharmaceutical and medical fields have had other things on their mind than maximising the efficiency of their supply chains. But what was once regarded as a minor cost component is coming under incr