Author: Alexandra Leonards

How do you balance ‘lean’ with ‘green’? Consumers want goods that have been ethically sourced and delivered in an environmentally responsible way – however they are not keen on paying extra for them. So to what degree can the FMCG sector accommodate thes

According to the World Trade Organisation the yearly real growth of world merchandise exports averaged six per cent in 2005 after outstandingly strong growth of 9.5 per cent in the preceding year. With such rapid growth in global trade and with consolida

Global sourcing is in danger of being perceived as ‘ungreen’. However, it is possible to source from around the world in ways that are both ethical and sustainable, and to economic advantage. But success depends on well thought-out strategies, robust proc

Building a greener supply chain is not easy with conflicting views on carbon offsetting, food miles and biofuels. Technology can help – but so can a radical review of accepted practices.