Author: Alexandra Leonards

The last 50 metres between the stockroom and a retailer’s shelf remains one of the supply chain’s biggest challenges and contributes to problems of ‘high cost’ and ‘low availability’. Initiatives from the IGD and ECR have resulted in workable standards, b

Many ambitious, medium-sized companies – especially in distribution, manufacturing and retail – with designs on stepping up a weight are challenged on how best to go about it. Managers must ensure that processes and systems are aligned to deliver efficien

AILOG and the Cattaneo LIUC University of Castellanza in Italy surveyed 35 leading companies in the beverage, pharmaceutical and home & personal care sectors, in order to gain a greater understanding of the interplay between Sales Forecasting and Demand

As Tesco commits to carbon labelling, Carrefour sets up an ‘Environment club’ and M&S pledges to spend €300m on being carbon neutral by 2012, the stakes are riding high to secure the moral high ground in the battle for green consumers. But in these unchar

Mid-market companies are fast growing enterprises with all the complex issues – albeit on a smaller scale – of larger organisations. Systems integration needs to be a low risk operation. But don’t sell yourself short, you need processes, systems and proce

Leading consumer packaged goods companies are collaborating through the Global Upstream Initiative to design a process model and supporting XML message standards which will greatly aid supply chain integration.

‘Our organisation has spent four or five years trying to define and develop what we mean by sustainable development in the supply chain, and we’ve broken the task into three areas – society, the environment, and economics,’ says Mark Barnett, chief operat

Are you geared up to take a slice of the €15.6 billion, 2007 online Christmas cake? With the ghost of Christmas past still stalking retailer’s financial results, its time leading players looked seriously at adopting an Integrated Multi Channel Retail stra

The UK market for contract logistics is the most developed, the German market the largest – with a lower outsourcing rate – and the French market the most difficult. How are logistics service providers adapting their strategies to cope with a varied and c