Author: Alexandra Leonards

The efficient management of mobile assets such as beer kegs is now possible – and it’s not just the technology that’s innovative.

Greg Black investigates how value can be created for customers by taking an holistic approach to the supply chain. He highlights the benefits that can be derived from perceiving the supply chain as a strategic tool rather than each element as disparate op

How do you create an on-demand supply chain, where an infinitely expandable network of suppliers and buyers can collaborate with each other, and where no integration is needed? Snap-on and find out.

Globalisation and the end of block exemption are set to shake sleepy car makers and dealers – and the automotive supply chain. So how will OEMs take up the slack in the outbound chain, cut costs and give the customer what they want, faster?

If ‘Pan-European logistics’ is ever to become a reality, it is more likely to come about through client demand rather than natural evolution within the industry; just look at the facts.

Change management brings out the best in some and the worst in others. Some people thrive on it. Others positively wither and wilt at the thought. So why do some people win the change game and others lose out?

The push towards real-time data gathering, facilitated by radio frequency communication, coupled with plunging prices for many devices have combined to give fresh impetus to the technology merry-go-round. Hold on tight.

A new distribution centre is helping shoe retailer Brantano achieve consistently impressive growth. An investment in automated processes is paving the way to the opening of 20 retailing outlets a year.