The Freight Transport Association has warned that business should not be left to carry the can for a botched Brexit process, in the wake of the news that prime minister Theresa May will face a vote of no confidence tonight.
James Hookham, the FTA’s deputy chief executive, said: “Business must not be left to carry the can of a botched Brexit because of a loss of momentum in the process and a possible change of leadership of the governing party.

“What industry needs now, with a little over 100 days to go until the UK leaves the EU is certainty and direction on the ways in which we will be trading after 29 March 2019.”
He pointed out that logistics and supply chain managers are used to fast changing situations, “but it is now critical that answers are provided to key questions about Britain’s future trading relationship with the EU. Business cannot be left bearing the consequences and costs of political hesitation – we want and need to Keep Britain trading!”