Browsing: Corporate Insight

Direct Wines, the online wine retailer, has deployed cloud-based planning, promotion, forecasting and fulfilment software from Predictix, to improve alignment between marketing, planning, merchandising and supply chain operations

Linde Material Handling, BMW and Munich Technical University are being funded by the German Ministry of Transport to run field tests of fuel cell industrial trucks BMW’s Leipzig plant

Mitsubishi Motors manufactures automobiles in multiple countries, and its products and spare parts are sold in more than 170 countries throughout the world

TNT Fashion Logistics has doubled sortation capacity at its facility at Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, by installing an exact copy of its existing SDI Flexible Sortation Unit right above it, on a 5.5 metre high mezzanine

Nippon Seiko Kabushiki Kaisha, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial and automotive components, chose Castell’s drive-away prevention system Salvo to protect staff at its DC in Newark, UK, and its warehouse in Tilburg, Netherlands