At almost every ”Supply Chain Standard” Roundtable over the past year or so, the conversation has come around to reverse logistics – the business of pulling goods back from some point in the supply chain, be it a distribution centre, a store, or a
Browsing: Corporate Insight
Manhattan Associates has introduced enhancements to Manhattan ILS: Integrated Logistics Solutions, built on Microsoft.NET, developed for companies that need supply chain systems that leverage the advantages of Microsoft’s.NET technology.
CG Flooring Systems (CGFS) has completed upgrading the 6000 sq m floor of an iron foundry to narrow-aisle warehouse standard suitable for racking up to 12 metres high, in less than six weeks.
Stryker, which specialises in orthopaedic and medical technology, chose SSI Schaefer to provide a better storage solution to house all medical parts within its distribution centre at Newbury.
Growth at Argos meant the business needed to develop its Bridgwater warehouse operation – one of a network of nine distribution centres Argos currently uses across the UK
Food service company 3663 has increased order selection rates by 30 per cent as well as improving accuracy following the introduction of a voice picking system as part of the UK’s first end-to-end voice application.
Instore operates over 300 retail outlets in the UK, under both the Instore and Poundstretcher brands, providing variety retailing across an extensive range of products
Nisa-Today’s the distribution and services organisation for retail and wholesale companies, wanted to create a single, flexible IT system offering multi-functionality in terms of merchandising, forecasting and order capture,
Storage specialist Link 51 has completed a pallet live facility in Welwyn Garden City for the UK’s largest independent producer of complete dog foods
Label specialist Systems Labelling has successfully developed a home compostable label for the Sainsbury’s “SO” organic range of products.