The European Parliament is set to pass legislation allowing the maximum length of truck cabs to be increased from September next year. The longer cab will allow for improved aerodynamic performance, energy efficiency and safety performance.

The original directive provides for a three-year time frame regarding cab changes. However, the proposal outlined that “given the current situation, and considering that CO2 emissions from road transport represent a quarter of all CO2 emissions in the EU and that emissions from road transport are projected to grow by six per cent in the period 2015-2030, the Commission considers that the benefits of elongated cabs should be harvested as quickly as possible.
“In fact, compliance with the future CO2 emission standards for heavy goods vehicles will require the application of various technologies to improve energy efficiency; among them, the introduction of aerodynamic cabs is the most effective measure to reduce air drag,” it stated.
Therefore, the Commission proposes the removal of the “three-year moratorium and have a shorter, but still proportionate, time limit.” And the rapporteur, Karima Delli proposes adopting the Commission’s proposal without amendment.
“To achieve the benefits of aerodynamic cabs in terms of the energy performance of heavy goods vehicles, better visibility for drivers, safety for other road users and the safety and comfort of drivers as soon as possible, such cabs should be introduced without unnecessary delay, as soon as the necessary type-approval requirements are in place,” proposed Delli.