A “freshness” of approach, thinking and creativity will be required in order to win a Supply Chain Excellence Award in 2020, according to one judge and previous winner.

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roup between 2007 and 2017 and has also served as supply chain director at Sainsbury’s as well as providing his own consultancy services. He is just one of 32 industry leaders to judge the 2020 Supply Chain Excellence Awards.He spoke to Logistics Manager about judging entries for the awards, which takes place on 12 November at the London Hilton on Park Lane.
Why did you choose to be a judge at the Supply Chain Excellence Awards 2020?
White: “Because having been a previous entrant, and winner back in 2010, I appreciate how much effort goes into putting an entry together, creating the compelling narrative , assessing the business case and its delivery – all whilst doing a day job that will undoubtedly have moved on already to the next challenge. I want to make sure each entry gets the scrutiny, attention and feedback it deserves.”
What does supply chain excellence mean to you?
White: “It is the holy grail – we all strive for it, but rarely attain it in such a fast moving and evolving discipline. So often excellence is in the effort, the approach, the concept and the execution rather than the result itself.”
What are you looking for in a winning entry?
White: “Freshness – of approach, of thinking, stretch and creativity and ultimately making a real and lasting difference to the organisation and its varied stakeholders.”
The 24th Supply Chain Excellence Awards, with new categories for 2020, will take place on 12 November. For more information, including how to enter and sponsorship opportunities, contact daniel.jessop@akabomedia.co.uk