CEVA Logistics has implemented a solution from technology company Geek+ in its warehouse in Grobbendonk, Belgium. The 50,000m² facility is part…
Browsing: Automation
At Stand i1134 of IntraLogisteX, this year co-located with Robotics and Automation for the first time, iCart launched its latest…
Michelle Mooney spoke to Kary Zate, Senior Marketing Director at Locus Robotics to see how IntraLogisteX was going so far….…
At this year’s co-located IntraLogisteX and Robotics and Automation exhibitions, Geek+, a global supplier of mobile robots for logistics, showcased…
The second and final day of conferences at IntraLogisteX 2023 has come to an end. There have been so many…
Michelle Mooney spoke to KNAPP’s Business Development Manager Martijn Koudijs about what the company was showcasing and how the show…
UK robotics and data intelligence company Dexory is displaying its latest solution, DexoryView – a platform designed to change the…
As the excitement of the opening day of IntraLogisteX draws to a close, here are some of the highlights from…
Michelle Mooney spoke to Edern Raux, Sales Engineer at Exotec What are you exhibiting today? ‘Today we are showcasing the…
Sealed Air has launched the AUTOBAG 850S Paper, an automated bagging solution designed specifically for paper bags, today [28 March]…