Browsing: IT & Software

International distributor Freezeserve has one of the UK’s most advanced food storage facilities at its secure 20-acre cold store in Liverpool

Turners of Soham has awarded B2B e-commerce and e-business solution specialist, Atlas Products International, a contract for the provision of its Atlas e-business platform

The Raspberry Pi has gone from zero to two million sales in less than two years. It is a credit-card sized computer that costs just £30 – and it is not just interesting from an educational perspective, the supply chain is also turning heads

Quartix has launched a new vehicle tracking mobile app, to enable its customers to view the real-time location of their vehicles

Marks and Spencer have taken on ediTRACK’s business process tracking system to gain visibility and control of its directly sourced merchandise

French fashion brand for men Celio has more than 1,000 shops in France as well as in Spain, Belgium and Italy and also an e-retail channel

There was a time that supply chains were swamped with data. But with the systems now in place to handle live information, data capture is back in the spotlight, says Johanna Parsons

Home shopping channel QVC selected mobile solutions company Peak-Ryzex to overhaul the auto ID kit at its Knowsley distribution centre on Merseyside, which picks and despatches over 15 million units a year