The Consumer Products category had four good entries, but two really stood out – MerckSerono, and Danone Waters UK & Ireland
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One company stood out. “BASF reacted to market and industry conditions with a supply chain transformation that achieved global cross-functional harmonisation.
The Overall Winner Award is the most highly coveted supply chain award in Europe. The outright winner of the 2011 Awards demonstrates all the characteristics and attributes of a world-leading supply chain
Are you able to set out your efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from your supply chain? From 1st January you will need to be able to…
British prime minister David Cameron earned plaudits from his own political party for the way that he ducked out of plans for a new European treaty to strengthen the Euro last week
It came as a nasty surprise to learn that child labour is used in the supply chain for one of our favourite treats – chocolate
Just as we all got used to the idea that BRIC must figure in any self-respecting supply chain strategy, it turns out that BRIC is now last year’s thing and we must all now refocus on CIVETS
Buyers beware, supplier challenges are on the increase, according to research by Nottingham University into the number of supplier challenges brought under the EU procurement regime
The man’s gone mad, I can hear you saying. Surely we are well past the moment when that is an appropriate question?
The winners of the European Supply Chain Excellence Awards 2011 were revealed at a glittering ceremony in London in November