Browsing: Logistics & Supply Chain

It’s a real privilege – and an education – to sit on one of the judging panels for the European Supply Chain Excellence Awards and experience the passion and expertise of the professionals who come and present to us.

When Hewlett Packard announced that it was selling its personal computer business back in August, chief executive Léo Apotheker explained that HP future strategy would be “built on cloud, solutions and software to address the changing requirements of our

One of the great privileges of being editor of Supply Chain Standard is to sit on the judging panel for the European Supply Chain Awards each year

Consumers may want home deliveries at times to suit themselves but cost considerations will always limit the options so are there other ways of keeping them happy?

The cash-to-cash cycle is moving back up the corporate agenda in the wake of public spending cuts, rising inflation and jittery financial markets. Nick Allen looks at how supply chain professionals can respond.

Supply chain collaboration has long been talked about as the next big thing, yet more often that not it remains a boardroom discussion rather than an operational reality. But as companies begin to plateau after the recession, could now be the time for col