What happens if fuel prices continue to rise? With oil now at $120 a barrel – double that of a year ago – and with Opec warning that the price of crude could reach $200 a barrel, the cost of transporting goods looks set to rise
Browsing: Logistics & Supply Chain
Once companies have made an initial change investment, how do they optimise their supply chains and continually drive for incremental improvements in people and processes? Sue Pryce shows the way.
Here we go again. Seemingly, barely a week goes by without a raid by the UK’s Office of Fair Trading on Britain’s leading supermarkets
Companies are launching themselves into global sourcing on the hope of securing lower unit costs for manufactured goods without necessarily fully understanding the risks involved.
How might the credit crunch affect your supply chain? Although there has been much talk of the impact of the crisis on the mortgage market, little evidence has, as yet, emerged of it directly affecting the ‘real economy’ this side of the Atlantic
When it comes to extended supply chains, risk is the name of the game. Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner may have wowed the aerospace sector with its sleek looks and impressive projections on fuel efficiency
In a world where trade is global, ”global trade management” (GTM) sounds a fairly obvious name for what supply chain managers spend most of their time doing. In the world of European IT, however, the GTM label is a comparatively recent phenomenon
Contract logistics, 3PL, 4PL – call it what you will – continues to be a growing business, but it is changing subtly.
With all the talk of borrowing squeezes and high interest rates, perhaps financial directors need to look at some of the assets locked up in company supply chains. When goods commonly spent no more than a few days in transit, financing the supply chain
Predictably, some familiar themes kept recurring at the Extended Supply Chain 2008 conference, held in London last month.