Over the ten years of The European Supply Chain Excellence Awards, Logistics Europe has worked closely with its partners to seek out best practice in supply chain management. Our aim has been to benchmark performance and to set the standards by which supp
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Now in their tenth year, the European Supply Chain Excellence Awards said farewell to previous lead sponsors Cap Gemini after three successful years, and welcome in their place PRTM. For those who don’t know, PRTM is one of the world’s leading operational
Eastern European countries are some of the world’s most rapidly growing markets with high demand for consumer goods and an expanding manufacturing base – but the logistics infrastructure is often woefully inadequate. Leigh Pomlett highlights some strategi
This sector threw up some very curious combinations and parallels, and as Gordon Colborn notes in his general appraisal, the service element of logistics is becoming increasingly important, even for companies who think their main business lies in manufact
The maxim ‘The customer is king’ has always held true in retailing. The problem is ‘the king’ is now more demanding than ever.
Local sourcing is a relatively new challenge to the supply chains of retailers in the UK, but one which looks set to grow in significance.
Collaboration is paramount if we are to maximise value across the supply chain, says the head of supply chain at the Institute of Grocery Distribution
Interest in RFID has been preoccupied with stock keeping but signs of a more innovative approach are evolving.
Price deflation, globalisation, rising costs, increasing competition from online operations and supermarkets, and ever-more demanding consumers: it all adds up to an extremely tough trading environment for fashion retailers – but Europe offers significant
What will the supply chain of the future look like? How will risks in the supply chain be addressed? Will global sourcing continue unabated? Our ‘Supply Chain Vision Group’ offered their best predictions.