Browsing: Logistics & Supply Chain

Close on the heels of the sale of its logistics business, TNT now plans to divest its freight management unit. By John Manners-Bell

‘The real supply chain opportunity arises when you look over your corporate boundary,’ says the newly installed president of the European Logistics Association

Supply chain costs as a percentage of revenue are increasing for retailers. A new strategic approach is needed if costs are to be minimised and margins increased. So, what makes a winning retail supply chain?

Clothing retailers are turning to rapid response supply chains to deliver a cutting edge – leading to 50 per cent reduction in out-ofstocks and a three per cent improvement in margins. This, along with the rising importance of internet sales, is creating

Local sourcing is a relatively new challenge to the supply chains of retailers in the UK, but one which looks set to grow in significance.

Collaboration is paramount if we are to maximise value across the supply chain, says the head of supply chain at the Institute of Grocery Distribution