Browsing: Logistics & Supply Chain

Three prominent firms have recently overhauled their planning systems and are reaping the benefits. IKEA has improved forecast accuracy by between 25 and 80 per cent by using a single database and plan. By John Lamb

‘I want the best answer quickly,’ says the strategy manager, global supply chain at tobacco giant BAT

Buoyant times lie ahead for sea freight operations, says Chris Fahy. For many years regarded as a largely commoditised activity, concerned only with port-toport operations, sea freight is, at last, winning recognition for the crucial role it has to play i

How do you ensure that transformation projects have the greatest impact on shareholder value? It’s simple, if you have a map – as one major oil and gas company found out when deploying a five year process transformation across 29 countries. By Martyn Watt

n expected 38 per cent increase in trade between the 25 EU member states by 2010 will place a great emphasis on ports and sea motorways. What will be the new pattern of demand for distribution centres? By Simon Lloyd

Nothing is certain anymore. Commercial environments are in constant flux, with new competitors arising from unexpected channels and ways of doing business shifting to online models. The companies that are to win out are those that are capable of adapting

The ailing pharmaceutical supply chain is going to have to get in shape to face the challenges of increased risk management and the medicine it needs might not taste too nice. By Chris Lewis

Rising supply chain complexity is driving a need for sophisticated warehouse management systems that can deliver improved customer service and cost reduction – visibility up and down the chain is crucial. Are your systems up to it? By John Lamb