Browsing: Logistics

The motor industry has been at the forefront in the development of sophisticated supply chain concepts. Just-in-time deliveries and bespoke sequencing centres have both been refined in the industry.

Wolseley is set to close its distribution centres in Didcot and Chorley, in a bid to improve efficiency, reduce costs and realign supply chain activities as a result of the economic situation.

Marley Eternit, part of the Etex Group, has signed a five year contract with Wincanton, while existing customers Focus DIY and a global industrial gas supplier have renewed their long-term contracts.

Global sourcing has become a critical part of the supply chain mix, but with trade slowing having a clear understanding of supply chain costs is a top priority.

Sustainable sourcing and supply chains offer true competitive advantage, argue Jeremy Hammant and Alan Braithwaite of LCP Consulting.

The creation of Ceva as a major competitor in the global logistics services market has been a substantial logistical exercise for the man brought in to mastermind its development. He explains the strategy to MALORY DAVIES.