Browsing: Logistics

Dachser has set up a joint venture in Bangladesh trading under the name of Dachser Bangladesh and specialising in air and sea freight as well as logistics services.

Bentley Motors has increased its aftersales parts storage facility at Crewe following the installation of SSI Schaefer’s multi-tier R3000 shelving system with two walkway levels.

Iveco is gearing-up production of its right-hand drive natural gas powered Daily following a six month trial which saw the vehicle used for recycling and street cleansing operations on behalf of Camden Council.

Schmitz Cargobull has unveiled a S.CS bulk curtainsider trailer with reinforced sides featuring Tarpos safety technology and designed to TIP specification.

Dachser has appointed Gerry Ruffell, business development manager to target its strategic markets in North Africa. He will be responsible for the development of Dachser UK’s activities in its key markets in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.