Browsing: Logistics

Fashion retailers have learned to be more responsive to customer demand and changes in market conditions by deploying technology that enables faster decisions to be taken in the chain. Many international retailers are now switching stock between different

The UK is starting to experience a shortage in skilled supply chain professionals, says Hugh Williams, managing director of supply chain planning specialists Hughenden.

Danish electrical, HWS and ventilation wholesaler, Solar, has placed the supply chain at the centre of its strategy for growth.

The focus for RFID is shifting away from large scale efforts to automate data capture based on mandates, towards more modest efforts to introduce the technology in tandem with complimentary systems. Soon companies may well have a diverse range of technolo

The expansion of the EU has brought new opportunities to northern Italy as the southern conduit between east and west. However, Italy”s neighbours to the east are providing stiff competition in terms of cost and are likely to continue to do so.