Browsing: Logistics

Becoming head of the industry’s largest representative organisation is a significant challenge but Theo de Pencier has ambitious plans. He talks to Malory Davies.

When it is not hauling freight around the rail network, EWS takes on the rather more glamorous role of running the Royal Train.

This issue of Logistics Manager includes an article on vocational training that throws up some shocking statistics, none more so than the fact that on average French workers are 20 per cent more productive than their British counterparts. Oh, the humil

Retail is changing fast. Multi-channel retailing is the name of the game for leading high street brands, but a strategic mix of online and physical stores is far from simple to manage, as the world”s second largest computer maker is finding out.

Retailers are rightly concerned about that last mile in the home delivery process, and how their goods arrive on our doorsteps.

With the WEEE directive finally coming into force, the problem of managing returns has moved right up the agenda for many companies. Chris Rowat looks at the issues involved.

When it comes to strategic outsourcing, cost and service benefits can be taken for granted – the key factor to look for, argues NICK CULLEN, is innovation.

Companies that master procurement generate higher savings and have lower costs than with average or low performing companies, according to a study by Accenture.

Retailers are facing increasing supply chain complexity. With growing competition from online retailers many leading high street players are adopting an integrated multi-channel retail strategy in order to meet the varied demands of the consumer. But such