Browsing: Logistics

As Tesco commits to carbon labelling, Carrefour sets up an ‘Environment club’ and M&S pledges to spend €300m on being carbon neutral by 2012, the stakes are riding high to secure the moral high ground in the battle for green consumers. But in these unchar

How do you get the most from your distribution centre? Automated processes can reap rewards for those prepared to invest both the cash and, perhaps more importantly, the time required to fully understand the dynamics of the business. Latest research indic

Demand levels from occupiers, propped up by consumer spending, has boosted developer’s confidence in investing in more speculative schemes across the continenet. Research from Atisreal in France points to Bordeaux as an area to watch, while King Sturge hi

The Benelux region’s popularity as a central location for European Distribution operations is off-set by an increasing problem with road congestion. Many hopes are being pinned on the yet-to-open Betuwe Line, a railway for goods transport from Rotterdam

AILOG and the Cattaneo LIUC University of Castellanza in Italy surveyed 35 leading companies in the beverage, pharmaceutical and home & personal care sectors, in order to gain a greater understanding of the interplay between Sales Forecasting and Demand

Managing a large amount of data in real-time used to demand supercomputers, teams of highly-paid IT experts, years of work and a lot of money. Today, complex event processing systems are turning it into a lower budget affair. Penelope Ody

Iain Speak is to take over as chief executive of Bibby Distribution when Theo de Pencier moves to the Freight Transport Association in July.

Pall-Ex’s Northamptonshire-based network member,
Mainland Group, a member of the Pall-ex network has moved to a 40,000 sq ft in Northampton.